Tuesday, June 1, 2010

Practicing the Presence of God

So like I said before in my post about being a big time "routine" person and big on schedules, it's been somewhat difficult to adjust to this time of not being on a routine. I mean like before I would know the exact minute I had to be drying my hair in the morning so I could then get dressed and put on my makeup and eat breakfast and get out the door to go to work. It's not like that with a baby. :) To say the least...

Anyways, with that said, I've been trying to figure out what my relationship with God looks like now that I don't wake up every morning at 6:20 and read the Word from 6:30 - 7:08 am and have my journal and prayer time. I will say it's been difficult and I'm trying to find what the best way is to stay connected with the Lord as well as get the things done that I need to get done. I find that I have a "chunk" of time each day when Keira naps and that time is very limited and also has to include a shower, making dinner, picking up the house, paying bills, etc. How do I fit it all in???

Lately I've been focusing on the small moments that I do have and using the extra reminders I see and focusing on them for a minute or two more that I would before. For instance...I have verses around my house on the wall or in pictures. I'm making myself meditate on them for longer than I normally would and soaking in God's Word that way. Or taking a minute or two when Keira is "playing" on her floormat or in the swing and reading a chapter in my Bible. Or this morning she fell back asleep in her crib before I went in and got her so I took advantage of those few minutes and went out on the deck and prayed for the day and committed it to the Lord.

It's been a transition and I'm not going to say this new "routine" is easier but I know that as Keira gets older and requires more and more attention and then as we eventually have more kids, it will just get harder to find those few moments. I remember reading a book by Brother Lawrence called "Practicing the Presence of God" and he would talk about how he would pray when washing the dishes and in simple task, he would experience the presence of God. I need to be more diligent with those moments and train my mind to be aware of the presence of God in the simple tasks throughout the day....He's there when I'm feeding Keira, when I'm driving in the car, when I'm eating lunch, when I'm running errands, when I'm pacing the family room trying to soothe my crying baby.

God...may I be aware of your presence at all times. Teach me to see your Glory in all things!